Ranked: Cunninlynguists + Kno

Ranked: Cunninlynguists + Kno

Underground Hip-Hop’s finest southern offerings, starting with debut of “Will Rap for Food” in 2001 which was proof producer/emcee Kno and emcee Dan the Deacon were a fun, comical duo with fresh boom-bappy beats. They’d expand to include Mr. SOS on the certified classic, “Southernunderground.” Natti would have third emcee honors on their next studio album, the magnum opus, “A Piece of Strange,” which saw the group taking things a little more seriously and somber. “Dirty Acres” followed quickly which feels like A Piece of Strange Part 2. The group then wouldn’t release another studio album for a few years, instead released mixtape type compilations called Strange Journey. The third installment in this serious is crowdsourced, and allowed fans to tell them what sort of songs and guest appearances they’d like.

Kno would slowly step down emcee honors, although not completely. He would put out stellar individual albums, produced albums for a variety of projects such as Built to Fade and Sadistik, and was one of many producers who put out a Jay-Z Black Album remix (Kno vs Hov - The White Albulum - not included on list).

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