The Tea Phanatic (black tea)

The Tea Phanatic (black tea)

from $12.00

Ingredients: Darjeeling black tea, safflower petals

Good for: Celebrating the full moon with a tea ceremony

Tastes like: A full bodied and mellow black tea; Grapelike and complex

Makes you feel like: Going bizerko in a teeny-tiny tea room!

Art by: Paul Carpenter

115 grams / 33 servings (2 tsp per 8 oz water)

Contains caffeine (~1/2 a cup of coffee). This tea can be re-steeped for multiple infusions.

Please note: The black tea in The Tea Phanatic changed in February 2024

Recommended brewing: 195° for 2 minutes

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A “tea lovers” tea from the hills of Darjeeling

darjeeling craft tea philly black

I rolled this one out specifically for the tea fanatics who fill the aisles at tea festivals. Simply put, it’s a delicious black tea to be enjoyed by anyone who loves camellia sinensis. It has a complex, grape-like flavor to it, almost like a fine wine. It gets its remarkable taste from the hills of Darjeeling that it grows on. A great pick for those who like to keep it simple.

Featuring artwork from Philadelphian legend, Paul Carpenter. Paul is a great guy and you may recognize his work worn by Philadelphians around the city. His t-shirts are super soft and the intricate designs are a sight to see!

Vinyl Pairing: The O’Jays - Back Stabbers (Philadelphia International Records, 1972)

One of the finer albums recorded at Sigma Sound by iconic Philly production team, Gamble and Huff. This album helped solidify Philadelphia International Records as a wrecking crew for 70’s soul. The O’Jays achieved nation and worldwide recognition with hits “Back Stabbers” and “Love Train.” It’s smooth and sweet - excellent for a celebration!

Further Listening: Billy Paul - 360° of Billy Paul (1972); MFSB - Love is the Message (1973)

The Tea Phanatic Paul Carpenter art philly
The Tea Phanatic delicious black tea.jpg
samovar craft tea.jpg

Try it in a samovar!

For a special occasion or large gathering, brew a concentrate in the samovar and water it down. It will keep it fresh and warm for hours!

Travelin' Light (green tea)

Travelin' Light (green tea)

from $10.00
Breezy Baby (green tea)

Breezy Baby (green tea)

from $14.00
Welcome to Riff City! (pu'erh tea)

Welcome to Riff City! (pu'erh tea)

from $14.00
The Ghostwriter (white tea)
sold out

The Ghostwriter (white tea)

from $14.00
Bootleggin' Legend (oolong tea)

Bootleggin' Legend (oolong tea)

from $14.00