Bootleggin' Legend (oolong tea)

Bootleggin' Legend (oolong tea)

from $14.00

Ingredients: Shangri-La Oolong tea, Hu Kwa black tea, hops flowers

Good for: Decompressing over a smoky brew

Tastes like: Scotch in tea form; spicy when brewed longer

Makes you feel like: Listening to jazz in a darkly lit loft

Art by: Ellen Manning

90 grams / 22 servings (1 tbsp per 8 oz water)

Contains caffeine (~1/2 a cup of coffee). This tea can be re-steeped for multiple infusions.

Shangri-La Oolong is independently grown by Kanchanjangha Tea Estate in Phidim, a small village in the Himalayas of Nepal. Hu Kwa is exclusively grown in Foo Kien, China.

Recommended brewing: 190° for 2 minutes, longer for hoppier taste

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A tea too good to be unheard

Bootleggin’ Legend is an unreleased tea that I thought was too good to stay on the bench. Enjoy this before it gets revealed in its final form. A smoky tea that is smooth and sophisticated. Cheers!

Vinyl Pairing: Cannonball Adderley, The Nat Adderley Sextet, & Rick Holmes - Soul Zodiac (1972)

Wild jazz record going over the zodiacs. Ranges from chill to chaotic - I guess depending what your sign is.

Further Listening: Khan Jamal - Infinity (1984); Pharoah Sanders - Karma (1969)

Bootleggin' Legend tin
Bootleggin' Legend infusion smoky oolong
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