Breezy Baby (green tea)

Breezy Baby (green tea)

from $14.00

Ingredients: Kukicha green tea, lemongrass leaf, blue cornflower petals

Good for: Feeling young and fresh

Tastes like: A rich and grassy green tea with fresh citrus notes

Makes you feel like: A baby on a boogie board!

Art by: Brianna Leigh

90 grams / 22 servings (1 tbsp per 8 oz water)

All ingredients organic, except . Contains caffeine (~1/4 a cup of coffee). This tea can be re-steeped for multiple infusions.

Please note: Breezy Baby switched back to kukicha green tea in September 2024.

Recommended brewing: 175° for 2 minutes

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A sweet grassy green tea

kukicha green tea loose leaf philly

I am not a huge green tea fan, but I respect and appreciate a good one. That being said, if you’re picky on green tea, I’ve done your dirty work. Kukicha is sensational and recommended if you like a rich, grassy tea a la Sencha. It has a sea-like flavor to it, so I thought I’d make a beachy tea.

I wanted to emulate the breeze in the tea, so I added sweet, citrusy lemongrass. To add a little variety to the view, I sprinkled beautiful blue cornflowers on top for a sunny blue sky.

Breezy Baby’s art was done by young, up-and-coming artist, Brianna Leigh (who serendipitously was nicknamed Breezy as a kid). She’s a Cali-native, who now lives in Chestnut Hill, and I’m a big fan of her colors and creations.

steve reich music for 18 musicians craft tea vinyl pairing

Vinyl Pairing: Steve Reich - Music for 18 Musicians (ECM Records, 1978)

A minimalism masterpiece and arguably one of the greatest pieces of music ever composed. It took Steve Reich 3 years to write it, and it takes a minimum of 18 musicians to play it. It is a real treat to witness live and watch the musicians cycle through the song’s eleven chords.

Further Listening: Phillip Glass - Koyaanisqatsi (1982); Laurie Anderson - Big Science (1982)

Breezy Baby Craft Tea philly Brianna Leigh
Breezy Baby Japanese green tea kukicha
cold brew craft tea

Make it a cold brew!

To really enjoy the quality of the kukicha, I recommend trying Breezy Baby as a cold brew. It is incredibly refreshing and delicious.

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