The Early Alien (black tea)
The Early Alien (black tea)
Ingredients: Ceylon Orange Pekoe black tea, bergamot essential oil, cornflowers, calendula flowers
Good for: Intergalactic socialization
Tastes like: Earl Grey; a bold and malty black tea led by citrus and floral flavors
Makes you feel like: You’re ahead of your time
Art by: Michael O'Brien
100 grams / 22 servings (1 tbsp per 8 oz water)
Contains caffeine (~1/2 a cup of coffee). This tea can be re-steeped for multiple infusions.
Recommended brewing: 195° for 2 minutes
An Earl Grey by Craft Tea
You asked for it, so you’re getting it. In the 10 years I’ve had a tea business, the most asked question may be, “Do you have an Earl Grey?” I’m a little late with this early alien, but the answer’s “yes.”
I kept it pretty simple, adding cornflowers and calendula. Taste-wise, it’s what you’d expect from one of the most popular drinks in the world. It’s tasty!
Vinyl Pairing: David Bowie - Blackstar (ISO Records, 2016)
David Bowie, one of the most legendary figures in pop music, went out with a bang, releasing his final album, “Blackstar,” days prior to his death, of which the album recording and his cancer were well-kept secrets. He returned forces with his longtime producer, Tony Visconti, and a group of NYC jazz musicians, and the result is a moody and beautiful sendoff to the Thin White Duke.
Further Listening: Kim Gordon - The Collective (2024); Radiohead - Kid A Mnesia (2021)
Try it in a samovar!
For a special occasion or large gathering, brew a concentrate in the samovar and water it down. It will keep it fresh and warm for hours!